Corporate Secretary & Accounting Services

Company secretary services and accounting services are crucial for any business in Singapore as they help to ensure compliance with regulations, efficient management of administrative tasks, improved corporate governance, enhanced reputation and proper bookkeeping of all financial transactions. Failure to comply with regulations may result in fines, penalties or even legal action.

Additionally, there are many property investors looking to purchase Industrial & Commercial properties in Singapore. It is recommended to do so using a company instead of in their personal names. This is typically executed via an Operating Company or an Investment Holding Company (IHC). There are many merits to using a company to purchase such properties include lower corporate tax, tax relief, higher Loan-to value (LTV), GST returns etc.

Our partners in this vertical are competent and are able to advice you appropriately on the structure etc at reasonable rates. Contact us for a non-obligatory discussion.

Contact us for a non-obligatory discussion